Friday, November 21, 2008

My Baby

My baby is now TWO YEARS OLD!


When I had my two youngest so close together, it felt like I was preggers forever. It truly felt as if I would have babies forever... And although some days that was a really rough and hair raising experience, I also loved every second.

I loved having their warm, cuddly little bodies curled up in my arms -- the feeling of their sweet, warm breath on your cheek as you nuzzled them . I adored the way they gazed at you as if you were the most excellent being ever to walk the face of the earth. I cherished watching them as they learned to smile, giggle, babble, roll over, crawl.

I treasured each individual moment -- including the hideously awful, smelly. blow-out diapers or sleepless nights (G did not sleep thru the night -- not even once -- until she was well over 9 months old.)

It seems like just yesterday that they couldn't talk back or run away. SIGH!!! Now life with a two year old and three years old... Lots of sassing and disobeying. Tons of asserting their own independence and telling me NO at the top of their ever-loving, healthy lungs.

I guess they are still precious and if I am honest, of course, I am still as smitten as ever.

My baby is now two...

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