Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Road to Wellness

Because of a bad decision or two, I am attending an extremely intensive three-week mental health program.

The Minnesota Department of Health's website describes a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) as "a time limited, structured program of psychotherapy and other therapeutic services and provided in an outpatient hospital facility or community mental health center. The goal of PHP is to resolve, or stabilize, an acute episode of mental illness. PHP includes intensive therapeutic services provided by a multi-disciplinary staff to treat the recipient's mental illness. Examples of PHP services include: individual, group, and family psychotherapy services; individualized activity therapies; and patient training and education. Recipients are admitted to a partial hospitalization program based on a physician referral."

* * * * *

To date, I have attended approximately 10 days of the 15-day program. It is reminding me of long ago forgotten, healthy coping skills, identify my distorted thinking patterns, become aware of my negative self-talk and replace the negative thoughts with positive or healthy behaviors/though patterns. Sometimes self-doubt creeps back in to my floundering brain, then I begin feeling foolish for needing assistance regulating my emotions. SIGH!

I am tired.

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