Thursday, February 3, 2011

The fabulous-ness of answering a few (usually five) random questions each week is making a come-back. Feel free to grab the 5 questions and link back to me.

What Disney character do you most resemble? Odd question since at a measly five foot nothing and being slightly wider than I am tall (just kidding... kind of), I don't think I could pull off any of the Disney princesses.  However, since I don't want to be Minnie Mouse or Daisy Duck and I definitely don't want ot be compared to Goofy or Clarabelle Cow, I will go with Arielle from The Little Mermaid.  The only similarities are my (once upon a time) red hair and blue eyes.  Denial is a plausible excuse here...

What were your high school colors? Maroon and Gold -- just like the University of Minnesota's college colors.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? "I love you" from y'all know who you are.

Do you buy cheap or expensive TP? I'm a middle of the road kind of gal when it comes to TP.  I am frugal and poor (try raising 4 kids!) but I refuse to buy the super thin, one layer junk.  It's awful.  However, I also don't buy the most expensive stuff. I tend to buy a well known big box stores off brand that compares to more expensive brands.

Name three celebs you find attractive? Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is impossible to resist. I love Julia Roberts gorgeous hair in My Best Friend's Wedding or in Run Away Bride. Matt Damon in the Bourne movies rocks and I'll add a bonus, I'm in love with anything Ben Affleck and I don't know why...

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