Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pulling The Cart

Holy canned creamed corn dogs do I hate winter. (Well, doesn't that just sound like a hot mess of something you don't want anything to do with?) Really, I try to be optimistic about it... BUT it is always at the end of this shortest month that I begin to feel itchy in my skin -- cabin fever!

While the days are shorter than the summer says I am craving they still feel endlessly long and tiring. My brain ceases to function and I'm always moody. My family suffers due to my attitude as does my soul (Isn't that dramatic?). I lose motivation and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and read a good book. In a sense I just want to hibernate.

I want to be outside but when I get out there I want to flee back into the warm, ice-free indoors. My attitude is much like a light switch being flicked on and off, continuously creating your own personal strobe light effect. Wheee!!! Isn't this fun. Um.. no, not so much.

Yesterday, I felt in control of things. I got things accomplished and felt rested.

Today? Not so much. I awoke this morning feeling night of the living dead tired. An industrial-sized bottle of children's chewable vitamins being shaken in my face. G's newest obsession. The girl is healthy, I'll give her that. I had been up no less than three times last night and I felt like I was back in some sort of sorority pledge hazing ritual.

I find myself day dreaming about long hours of uninterrupted sleep, warmer days and actually having the motivation to herd us all out into the yard to run off energy (obviously their energy, not mine.) I hate the way I feel right now and yet without the key component of a GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP I don't feel as if I'm ever going to get better. Sleep is a carrot. I'm the dumb ass who is pulling the cart. I'm constantly walking ahead trying to grab that juicy carrot and take a big bite.
I pray I get to take a big bite soon!

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